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Stripe Payments

Enable Payments

Enable payments in your app by integrating the Stripe.

This block provides several services :

  • users pay by opening their banking app or entering their card details
  • users can cancel orders and get vouchers
  • users can place orders using vouchers
  • admins can create vouchers


To integrate Stripe Payments into your project you'll have to start by creating yourself an account on Stripe. To finalise the account creation you'll have to provide some information about your business.

Firebase Extension

Stripe has its own Firebase extension that will automatically create some cloud functions for you. This makes the integration way easier. Go to your Firebase console and install the extension. Make sure to install the new version from Invertase and not the old one from Stripe itself as it is discontinued. Your project has to be on the Blaze plan to use this extension.

What is your Stripe API key? We recommend creating a new restricted key with

Write access only for the “Customers”, “Checkout Sessions”, “Customer portal”, "Ephemeral keys" and "Payment Intents". And read-only access for the “Subscriptions” and “Prices” resources.