Cloud Functions
This Brick ...
To install cloud functions in python we will use a virtual environment. At the moment of writing this document, cloud functions require to use python 3.12.
Python 3.12 Installation
Start by checking which version of Python you have installed. Run the following command:
python3 --version
If you don't have Python 3.12 installed, you can download it via brew :
brew install python@3.12
Then you'll have to add it to your path. Copy the installation path and add it to you zshrc or bashrc file.
brew --prefix python@3.12
vim ~/.zshrc
Add the following line :
export PATH="/path/to/python@3.12/bin:$PATH"
Initialize Cloud Fuctions
Use the Firebase CLI to initialize Cloud Functions in your project. Run the following command:
firebase init functions
You'll have to chose between typescript, javascript and python. Choose python. For the name of the
Create a Virtual Environment
To create a virtual environment, run the following command:
python3.12 -m venv venv
To activate the virtual environment, run the following command:
source venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies
To install the required dependencies, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Input Parameters
Cloud Functions
How Does It Work?
2.3. Setup Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions are a way to run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase services or HTTPS requests. Setting up Cloud Functions at the beginning of your project can offer advantages in terms of seamless integration. However, it's not mandatory and largely depends on the specific requirements of your application.
Configuring Cloud Functions:
If you choose to use Cloud Functions, you can utilize Codika's Cloud Function Architecture. Initiate it with the following command:
mason make flutter_cloud_functions
for handling environment variables within your cloud functions. Navigate to the functions folder and include it in the dependencies:cd functions
npm install --save dotenv -
Before deploying the functions, ensure that your project is on the Firebase Blaze payment plan. The
architecture comes with a quick test function that gets triggered upon a document's creation. To deploy it, run:cd functions
npm run-script lint -- --fix
firebase deploy --only functions-
If you encounter an error indicating a failure to get the Firebase project, this might be due to your Firebase account being de-logged. Re-authenticate with:
firebase logout
firebase login